The topic for the 2024-2025 School Year: “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times”

The Optimist Oratorical Contest gives youngsters the chance to speak to the world. It is designed to assist youth in gaining public speaking experience and provide them with an opportunity to compete for a college scholarship. More than $150,000 in college scholarships are awarded annually from this program funded by the Optimist International Foundation.

Oratorical Contest Rules

The deadline for submitting speech at the club level is February 1, 2025. This year’s contest will take place on Wednesday, February 26th at 6 PM at Folsom Community Center, 52 Natoma Street, Folsom 95630.

The Oratorical Contest is open to students under 19 as of October 1, 2024, and who are educated in the United States, Canada, or the Caribbean. Students are required to prepare a 4- to 5-minute speech on the pre-assigned topic.

For more information contact:

Nick Scelsa
Optimist Club, Sacramento
“Oratorical Contest” 2022-2023, Chairman
(916) 996-1464

Visit this page to see past contest winners and hear a winning speech!

History of the Optimist Oratorical Contest
First conducted in 1928, this is the second most popular Optimist International Program. Nearly 2,000 clubs participate in this program each year. The winners at the Club level receive medallions and Zone winners receive a plaque. Districts can provide two $2,500 scholarships or a first-place scholarship of $2,500, a second-place scholarship of $1,500, and a third-place scholarship of $1,000.

A look at a winning Oratorical Contest speech

Topic: “What the World Gains from Optimism”

Riley Burke from McClatchy High School. 2017 Oratorical Contest: Club Winner, Zone Winner, and Regional Winner!

Listen to Riley’s winning speech!